Weeks | Dates 2025 | Cost |
Before Care: 7:45 - 8:15am $5.00 per person per use | Full Week Camp Day is 8:15am to 4:00pm Ages 6 to 13 | After Care: 4:00 - 4:30pm $5.00 per person per use |
June Individual Day | June 27 9:00am to 4:00pm No Lesson or Before/After care available. Public FUN Swim is included. | $45.00 |
Week 1 | June 30 to July 4 - Yes, camp will run on July 1 Tuesday | $275.00 |
Week 2 | July 7 to 11 | $275.00 |
Week 3 | July 14 to 18 | $275.00 |
Week 4 | July 21 to 25 | $275.00 |
Week 5 | July 28 to August 1 | $275.00 |
Week 6 | August 4 to 8 - Yes, camp will run on August 4 Monday | $275.00 |
Week 7 | August 11 to 15 | $275.00 |
Week 8 | August 18 to 22 | $275.00 |
Week 9 | August 25 to 29 (follows the CBE & CCSD calendar) Please confirm return to school dates before booking. | $275.00 |
HOP DayCamp Waitlist Click Here
HOP DayCamp Absence Notification Click Here
- Please review Who Are We, DayCamp FAQs and Refund Policies before registering to ensure they align with your needs.
- Camp registration opens February 1. As camp weeks fill they will show as sold out on the registration page. Spots are limited and do sell out. Campers will not be considered fully registered until the online registration form has been submitted and payment received. You will get a return email through Jotform confirming your submission and payment. If you don't see one in your email, please check your junk or spam folder.
- Prerequisite: It is recommended that children attending camp are comfortable and able to function in a group environment without parental guidance. All campers must be 6 years at start of camp. Due to child and staff ratio's & the pool "within arm's reach policy", there may be limited spots each week for children who are age 6 & 7.
- Due to privacy reasons it is best that cell phones remain at home. If they come to camp, campers may not have or use cell phones in the washrooms, shower or change room areas.
- If a week is showing sold out after registering 1 of your children and you wish to register a sibling in the same week, please email as we may be able to add a spot to accomodate.
- Highwood Community Association Members in good standing will receive 2 HOP Child/Youth Public Swim walk-in passes for each weeklong camp registration. Passes will be given to parent at first drop-off/pick-up.
Who are we?
HOP Day Camp is a loosely structured community run day camp at the Highwood Outdoor Pool facility.
The Highwood Outdoor Pool (HOP) is a member of the Calgary Outdoor Pool Association (COSPA). COSPA oversees all of Calgary’s outdoor pools.
HOP is administered by the Highwood Community Association.
We provide an opportunity for children in Highwood and surrounding communities to come to our outdoor day camp to swim, play games, socialize, create craft projects, keep fit, learn about water safety, and most of all have FUN!!
Many of our swimming instructors are also certified lifeguards and have gone through numerous hours of training to become certified in their individual awards. At HOP we offer the Lifesaving Society Swim For Life program.
A caring leader is an essential component in ensuring a positive day camp experience. Leaders are fun, knowledgeable, energetic and personally invested in ensuring a successful camp experience. All camp leaders are certified in 1st Aid CPR and receive training on working at camp, including child behaviour and management, problem solving, emergency procedures, leading games, activities, crafts and songs. Many of our camp leaders return annually.
Our day camp leader ratios reflect our commitment to safety and high-quality program supervision.
Ages 6 to 12: minimum 1 leader up to 12 campers.
Campers must be aged 6 to 12 years at the start of camp.
Campers may be asked to wear a Lifejacket during FunSwim due to swim abilities or age.
Campers age 6 & 7 must wear a Lifejacket when in the pool and are required to stay within arms reach of a camp leader at all times in the pool and facility. Campers age 8 and up may take a swim test that is overseen by a Lifeguard. If campers pass the swim test they will have access to all areas of the pool without a Lifejacket. If they do not pass they must wear a Lifejacket in the deep end of the pool. A camper may retest daily.
• NEW for 2025. Drop Off and Pick-Up has been moved to the large gate in the green space off the parking lot between the pool and Colonel Irvine Jr. High. (beside the pool’s green space shelter) We hope that this will offer better traffic flow.
Parents…. please use the QR code to check-in using a smart phone or tablet, before bringing your child to a Camp Leader. The QR code will take you to a Google form to check-in and out. If you are not comfortable using the QR code, you may also check-in and out with a Camp Leader.
Only parents, guardians and designated pick-ups listed on the camper form will be permitted to pick-up campers.
• Parents will be given a 5-minute grace period for drop-off and pick-up at camp start and end. Camp start is at 8:15AM and camp ends at 4:00PM. Parents arriving outside of those times will be charged the before or after care fee of $5.00 per use per child. We request that all before and after care is booked and paid in advance online or at the pool counter.
• Before care runs from 7:45 – 8:15AM.
• After care runs from 4:00 to 4:30PM.
No grace is available for late parent arrivals after 4:30pm. Parents who arrive after 4:30pm will be charged a $25.00 late pick-up fee.
We ask that parents:
Do not drop off or leave children unattended outside the pool, hall, park, or playground.
Ensure that children arrive promptly for camp start as some Swim Lessons begin at 8:25AM
If your child is going to be absent from camp, please advise the DC Lead or the Pool Supervisor by completing this DayCamp Absence Form.
HOP does not pro-rate camp fees for missed days.
Campers will participate in a week-long set of Lifesaving Society Swim For Life instruction every morning starting shortly after the 8:15AM arrival. Please bring the camper dressed to swim and with waterproof sunscreen applied if you feel they need it. Campers do receive a lesson report pass or fail.
In the afternoon, campers will enjoy fun swim 2:15 to 3:45pm.
It is the parent’s responsibility to accurately indicate the lesson level they are requesting for their child. The lesson level chart can be found at on the Lessons page and on the registration form at the lesson level choice.
Highwood Outdoor Pool is heated and the water chemically treated 24/7.
Please note that there are no refunds, credits or transfers for lessons or fun swim missed due to weather or pool fouling events. Additionally if a child declines to participate in lessons or fun swim, no refunds will be supplied. If a child chooses not to participate in swimming, parents will be notified at day end.
Lesson reports will be evaluated on available in-water sessions.
The participant number is Swimmer’s last name + the first 3 letters of first name. No spaces or -. All in lowercase letters
Due to the short time that campers are at camp, medication will NOT be administered unless an emergency situation demands it. (IE inhaler or Epi-Pen) All emergency medication must be in the original container and clearly labeled with the child’s name on it. It must be placed in a zip lock bag containing the child’s name, dosage and when to be administered. All emergency medication must be given to a camp leader at drop-off.
What to wear to camp:
• Comfortable clothing that camper can move freely in and is easy for camper to change in and out of independently.
• High activity foot wear.
• Bathing suit under clothing to facilitate on time start of 8:25/8:55/9:10am swim lessons.
What to bring to camp:
• Peanut/nut free litter-less lunches and snacks
• Reusable water bottle labeled with camper’s name. There is a water bottle filling station on the NE pool deck beside the men’s change room door.
• Hat, sunscreen and bug spray labeled with camper’s name
• Towel for after swimming. Some parent’s may choose to send a second towel or bathing suit so they have dry items for Fun Swim.
• No more than $15.00 day for concession if child is allowed to purchase items
What not to bring to camp:
• Electronics or valuables.
• Cellphones – due to privacy concerns they may not be out or used especially in washrooms or changing areas
• Personal toys or video games
• Peanut/nut products
The Highwood Outdoor Pool or Highwood Community Association will not be responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen items.
There are 2 camp lost and found locations. One is in the pool front foyer or on the pool deck in front of the office windows and the other in the coat room of the hall. Items are kept until the end of the season and then donated or disposed as appropriate. Please make sure your camper’s items are labeled with their name.
Highwood Outdoor Pool and Highwood Community Association is not nut or allergen free. While we ask that campers are nut aware, we do not guarantee that nuts and other allergens won’t be found in our facilities.
Please endeavour to pack litter-less lunches. Refrigeration is not available at camp.
There is a water bottle filling station available at the pool on the NE deck closest to the men’s change room door.
Please ensure that you send sunscreen and a hat with your camper. It is a good idea to practice how to apply sunscreen when it is needed with your child prior to camp start, as it is preferred that campers complete this without physical assistance from a Leader. If a camper asks, leaders will assist. Please send your child with sunscreen already applied in the morning. Leaders do their best to keep campers applying sunscreen regularly throughout the day but as this is an outdoor camp, campers should also be aware of their own sunscreen application.
Highwood Outdoor Pool is a public facility. As such, please be aware that your child may be included in photos or media inadvertently by other patrons, news outlets or HOP staff for program and marketing purposes.
Campers should not be sent to camp if they are exhibiting any of the following:
• Illness that prevents them from participating comfortably in all camp activities.
• Fever or symptoms such as general illness, lethargy, constant crying, difficulty breathing, diarrhea and vomiting or COVID symptoms.
If a child shows symptoms of illness, the following will happen:
1. Parent/guardian will be contacted to come pick the camper up promptly.
2. The camper will be brought to the designated self-isolation space to wait for their parent/guardian.
3. They will be supervised.
Assistance is a $75.00 discount off regular camp fee upon registration with proof of City of Calgary assistance card. There is no discount on before or after care fees. HOP camp is not a City of Calgary program however we use this card to help identify those in need. ****Please email to discuss before registering as it is a different form to complete. **** This offer may be used 1 X per child per summer.
HOP wants all children to have fun at camp. If your child will be attending with an aide, please be sure to indicate on the registration form. Support workers/aides must remain with or engaged with their person at all times in and out of the water. Support workers should be cueing, prompting and stepping in when they see signs of change in behaviours. Support workers are expected to follow all program and facility rules / procedures.
INCLEMENT WEATHER (including heavy smoke) & POOL CLOSURE
All camp programs are primarily outdoors. Camps will proceed during inclement weather. If campers may not enter the water due to very inclement or unsafe weather or pool mechanical/chemical issues including pool fouling, dry land swim and safety lessons will proceed on the pool deck or indoors. Following clear policy, staff will determine if campers and staff can safely swim or not. There are no refunds for missed in water days and unless it is an extreme circumstance, camp is not cancelled as other activities will be done indoors. If there are days with heavy smoke, staff will follow guidance from Environment Canada and may decide it is best to remain primarily indoors.
HOP programs are meant to be enjoyable and safe for all. We strive for a safe, respectful. inclusive and positive environment for everyone; including campers, parents, staff and other patrons.
• Campers are expected to behave in a manner that is courteous, supportive and respectful at all times. Unsafe behaviour, offensive language, bullying, theft and vandalism will not be tolerated.
• Campers are to respect others and their property.
• Campers must respect the environment, nature, facilities and supplies provided for their use.
• Campers must stay with their group.
• Campers must use appropriate language.
• Campers should ask for help when needed.
The HOP DayCamp focus is based on the staff acting as positive role models for all campers to support providing a fun and safe camp experience. This requires cooperation and consideration for the rights and property of others by everyone. Sometimes campers can become disruptive or disengaged with the camp activities, which affects all campers’ enjoyment of the camp.
Further steps or expulsion will be taken in the event of the following:
1. Physical aggression – hitting, kicking, biting, spitting, vandalism or unsafe in-water behaviour etc.
2. Verbal aggression – shouting, swearing, threats etc
3. Defiant or uncooperative behaviour – to the extent of program disruption
4. Unusual or Unpredictable Behaviour – running away or hiding from the group or leaders, tantrums or constant emotional outbursts etc
The Highwood Outdoor Pool Supervisor reserves the right to cancel camp attendance or send any camper home for the day after notifying a parent or guardian about continued behaviour issues. Actions taken will be dependent on the severity of the behaviour.
If it is deemed necessary for HOP staff to withdraw a camper from the DayCamp program NO refunds will be provided/NE
Refunds are processed to the original method of payment or by EFT and may take up to 30 days to complete.
IF HOP CANCELS A PROGRAM WEEK – Camper may transfer to another week upon availability or receive a full refund.
CUSTOMER REFUND REQUEST – Withdrawal requests received by June 1 will be subject to a $75.00 withdrawal fee.
Withdrawals received after June 1 or Failure to attend = no refund.
CANCELED SWIM DUE TO UNSAFE WEATHER EVENT OR POOL FOULING – Refunds, credits or transfers of lessons or fun swim missed due to unsafe weather or pool fouling events will not be offered. Lesson reports will be evaluated on available in water sessions.
Pool Supervisors, following COSPA’s/HOPs Weather Policy, will have final say on whether swimming may proceed. The Policy requires closure of pools in the event of thunder, lightning, extreme weather, and very poor air quality (smoke). Swimming will proceed if it is raining and through cooler temperatures.
MEDICAL REFUND – Medical withdrawals up to the start of camp are subject to a withdrawal fee of $75.00. After camp start, $40.00 per day will be deducted up to the end of day a medical note is received at
BEHAVIOURAL CIRCUMSTANCE – No refunds will be issued for children dismissed from camp or withdrawn after parents were notified either verbally or in writing about continuing behaviour issues. (issues may include bullying, vandalism, theft, causing harm or seriously diminishing the camp experience for other participants, etc.)
CAMP TRANSFER POLICY – A camp transfer may be possible based on availability. If there is no space available in the requested week, a refund will be processed in accordance with the CUSTOMER REFUND REQUEST POLICY above.
Please complete and submit the online registration form HERE.